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  1. Back To School

Prepare yourself for incredible savings on Back To School offers 2024 starting this year on Aug 7th at Carrefour Saudi Arabia! Take advantage of irresistible discounts of up to 50% Off on a wide range of products, including laptops, PCs, iPads, tablets, stylish lunch boxes suitable for all ages, groceries, children's clothing, books, and stationery items.

Carrefour Saudi Arabia offers Tabby's convenient buy now, pay later service to maximize your savings, allowing you to shop for all your children's needs without the immediate financial burden. You can split your payments into four interest-free payments

No need to worry about the costs of getting ready for school with Carrefour's exceptional discounts and deals & back to school offers. Explore our selection today and discover the latest in cutting-edge wearable technology and trendy clothing from renowned brands like Casio, and more!

Get ready for a successful school year and save big with Carrefour Saudi Arabia. Start shopping today and take advantage of these incredible Back To School offers!